Judge our quality
How it works


At Photo Edits Lab, we believe that the pudding is in the proof, and the only way to see it is by trying ourselves. That is why we are offering a free trial service where you will be allowed to judge for yourselves how good our services can be without ever paying for a thing.

Our free trial service allows you to send a sample of your images to be edited, and it is all free of charge. We take no-nonsense approaches to your basic retouching, portrait enhancement, product editing, and background removal and give you a transparent service, just like we offer to our paid clients.

  1. Send Your Images : upload a sample of your images through our online submission form. You are allowed to send up to [number] of images for editing.
  2. Specify Your Requirements : tell us your editing preference and any specific instructions you want to give for the editing process. We offer subtle adjustments to dramatic transformations. We will tailor the edits to your editing preference.
  3. Experience Our Expertise : Our team of expert editors will work on your images, applying the requested edits with precision and flair. We will ensure that your images adhere to our standards of quality and cross yours.
  4. Review the Results : after the editing process is complete, we will send you the edited images to your review. Take your time to assess the quality of our work and get a first-hand experience of how our editing services can impact your images.
  5. No Obligation : there's no obligation to pay for our paid services after the free trial. If you are satisfied with the results, then we will be happy to talk further about how much more we can edit for you. If not, there's no pressure to pay for our services.

Daffodil Tower
Road : 05 - Dhanmondi - Dhaka
Phone : 00023232
Mail :

Bangladesh Office

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Fill out this form to let us know about your photo editing needs

Free Trial

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