We helps client to find cost effective package

We help clients discover cost-effective packages tailored to their needs, thereby making sure every investment they make yields the best value to them.

Our policy generally provides for a free round of revisions to your satisfaction with the final product. Additional changes beyond the initial round may incur a nominal fee.
Our bulk editing cost depends on the number of images to be edited, their complexity, and special requirements. We provide competitive pricing as per your project’s needs, ensuring tremendous value for bulk editing services. Just contact us now for a detailed discussion of the project and a personalized quote.
We offer various payment methods for your convenience, including credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and online payment platforms. Once we provide you with a quote and you approve it, we will provide detailed instructions on how to proceed with payment. If you have any specific payment preferences or requirements, please let us know, and we will do our best to accommodate them.

Our pricing structure effects on


Check our initial pricing

We have set the most reduced starting prices for the services we provide

Clipping Path

Per image
Elevate your visuals with our expert clipping path service. photo edits lab, a leading photo editing company, offers premier solutions for all your image editing needs.

Background Removal

Per image
Our Background Removal Service brings out and removes all your image's distracting backgrounds to give the subject sharper clarity.
Feel the power of clear imagery today with our Background Removal Service

Image Masking

Per image
Image masking is a very accurate method of isolating complex subjects with their backgrounds.Image masking produces a detailed extraction of shapes like hair or semi-transparent objects.


Per image
Take your images to a new level with expressive depth and realism. Our specialists create each shadow to add a professional glimmer and visual interest to your photograph or graphics.

Ghost Mannequin

Per image
With our Ghost Mannequin Service, we intelligently take away the mannequins without compromising the shape or form of your garment, so that your clothes come alive.

Color Change

Per image
Revitalize your photos with our Color Change Service.Our advanced techniques and talented team change the colors with seamless alteration.

Photo Retouching

Per image
Bringing out the masterpiece from your photograph with our Photo Retouching Service. No matter the profession a photographer or a model to be or even personal pictures, our professional team will work it out with a skillful hand. You will love our work.

Vector Conversion

Per image
Transform graphics: be it raster images to scalable vector formats or hand-drawn sketches that need to be digitized with our Vector Conversion Service: our brilliant team will instantly make your visuals spring alive with high quality vector file inputs.

Multi Clipping Path

Per image
Upgrade your photos with our Multi-Clipping Path Service. We have a fully experienced team tailoring to the different needs of photographers, e-commerce retailers, and graphic designers, for precisely accurate clipping at utmost speed.

Get an Idea about our initial pricing

Clipping Path Service

Simple Clipping Path $0.59
Medium Clipping Path $0.59
Complex Clipping Path $3.99
Super Complex Clipping Path After Review

Background Removal Services

Simple Background Removal $0.99
Medium Background Removal $1.49
Complex Background Removal $4.99
Super Background Removal After Review

Image Masking Service

Simple Image Masking $1.49
Medium Image Masking $1.99
Complex Image Masking $1.99
Super Complex Image Masking $1.49

Shadow Service

Simple Shadow $0.59
Medium Shadow $0.59
Complex Shadow $3.99
Super Complex Shadow After Review

Ghost Mannequin Service

Simple Ghost Mannequin $1.49
Medium Ghost Mannequin $1.49
Complex Ghost Mannequin $1.99
Super Complex Ghost Mannequin $2.49

Color Change Service

Simple Color Change $0.59
Medium Color Change $0.59
Complex Color Change $3.99
Super Complex Color Change After Review

Photo Retouching Service

Simple Photo Retouching $1.49
Medium Photo Retouching $2.99
Complex Photo Retouching $5.99
Super Complex Photo Retouching $5.99

Vector Conversion Service

Simple Vector Conversion $3.50
Medium Vector Conversion $4.49
Complex Vector Conversion $5.59
Super Complex Vector Conversion $17.99

Multi Clipping Path Service

Simple Multi Clipping Path $0.59
Medium Multi Clipping Path $0.59
Complex Multi Clipping Path $3.99
Super Complex Multi Clipping Path After Review
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